Young people march for the climate in Milan, behind Greta Thunberg

It’s less hot in hell “: hundreds of young people marched on Friday 1 October in the center of Milan, behind the Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, demanding rapid action for the climate one month away from the crucial COP26 conference in Glasgow.

Read also COP26 on climate, “turning point for humanity”, according to Boris Johnson

After nearly two years of pandemic and restrictions that forced them to demonstrate only online, they are back, like last Friday in Berlin already with Greta Thunberg, the face of this movement which had brought millions of people to the streets around the world in 2019. “ We must bring attention back to the immense problem of the climate crisis ,” Maria, 15, green paint on her face and combination of full white protection.

400 young people from all over the world

We are so happy to be back in the street , ”adds the Italian teenager under a giant green fabric wave. At the head of the procession, some distinguished guests, including Greta Thunberg and Ugandan activist Vanessa Nakate, came to Milan for a meeting of 400 young people from around the world brought together by the UN to give their vision of the climate battle before the COP26 in Glasgow in November.

Read also Covid-19: COP26 will be held in person in Glasgow

The world wakes up and change happens, whether you like it or not ”, one of the many signs read, alongside the now classic“ there is no planet B ”or a blue Earth with a sad smile, thermometer in his mouth, shouting“ save me ”. Other signs say “ thank you to Greta “, or take up some of those lyrics that have gone viral like “ how dare you! ” ( how dare you) launched at the UN podium two years ago.

Preparatory meeting for COP26

We will always be more “, promises Frida, 24, a German student studying in Italy. “ It shows that the climate matters to a lot of people “. This event takes place as ministers from several dozen countries have gathered in Milan for a preparatory meeting for COP26. On Thursday, during the first working session of this pre-COP, the UN Secretary General launched a new urgent call to action to limit warming to + 1.5 ° C compared to the pre-COP era. -industrial, the most ambitious objective of the Paris Agreement.

There is only one month before COP26, the most important since Paris ”in 2015 where this historic agreement was sealed, he declared. “ I cannot stress enough that time is running out. Irreversible tipping points are approaching alarmingly , ”he added. But “ we have immense power. We can either save our world or condemn humanity to a hellish future

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