YouthBuild Elizabeth Marks One Year of Empowering Young Adults in the City of Elizabeth With Training and Resources to Improve Job Prospects and Earning Potential

Elizabeth, NJ, February 16, 2024 –(– The Housing Authority of the City of Elizabeth is celebrating the success of the YouthBuild Elizabeth program in the City of Elizabeth over the past year. The program aims to provide participants with the “keys to success” as they pursue advantageous career paths. YouthBuild Elizabeth helps young adults, ages 16-24, from the City of Elizabeth earn both their high school diploma equivalency and trade skills, including national construction and medical certifications. Participants can receive six months of classroom GED® instruction, job placements, and support services. All participants receiving national certifications will be able to work as paid apprentices in their respective industries.

Since its inception in September 2022, a total of 30 participants have enrolled in the program. All students are also in the active pursuit of the National Center for Construction Education & Research (NCCER) certification. YouthBuild Graduate Shalik Sims enrolled in the program in 2022 and ultimately achieved his dream of getting a high school diploma, “I tried several GED programs before finding YouthBuild, but it was here that I finally felt supported and motivated. YouthBuild gave me the environment I needed to succeed, and I proudly earned my high school diploma in October 2023. It’s not just a program; it’s a community that believes in your potential.” YouthBuild Participant Danielle Martin enrolled in 2022 and acquired national certifications such as OSHA 30, OSHA 10, and NCCER. Martin is now employed as a social worker at YouthBuild Elizabeth and notes, “Being here is [a] great experience. Everybody’s like a family, the staff, they love everybody, they’re here to help. Accountability is key. So building a team, everybody is accountable for everything.” YouthBuild Participant Quanaisa Owens explains, “I really like this program. They help me a lot and I feel as though I will really succeed.” View the YouthBuild Elizabeth overview video on HACE’s YouTube channel:

As a direct result of participation in the YouthBuild Elizabeth Program, 17 students are seeking their GED®; out of the 17, three are fully completed, nine started as of January 19, and five are in pursuit. Eight students have attended the Certified Nursing Assistant course with B&M Consultants. Six of those students completed training and five of those have secured full-time employment at a senior rehabilitation center. The remaining student was hired full-time at Trinitas Regional Medical Center, RWJ Barnabas Health.

HACE was the only organization in the State of New Jersey to receive a YouthBuild grant in May 2022 from the U.S. Department of Labor HACE received the largest award possible, a $1.5 million grant, which will positively impact the lives of approximately 84 young adults over a 40-month period.

HACE Executive Director William D. Jones celebrated the program’s success, “Our YouthBuild Elizabeth initiative has been another successful career-building program here at HACE. Nikea, our YouthBuild Elizabeth Director, and the whole YouthBuild team have worked alongside these young adults to empower and motivate them to strive for their dreams.”

“B&M Consultants is grateful to partner with HACE’s YouthBuild Elizabeth program to guide young adults to the medical industry. Our instructors are dedicated to assisting students with obtaining career goals and we are committed to providing the medical industry with Certified Nurse Assistants,” said B&M Consultants Director Teresa Banks.

“Pinpointing opportunities for the residents we serve, we have an innate desire to nurture mutually beneficial partnerships between businesses and job seekers throughout Union County. We look forward to our continued partnership with YouthBuild Elizabeth to recommend their highly skilled participants to employers,” stated Union County American Job Center Director Robert Croom, MPA.

For more information about HACE’s YouthBuild Elizabeth program, contact YouthBuild Elizabeth Director Nikea Young-Bagley, MSW, LSW, at 908-965-2400 ext. 131 or visit

This workforce product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)’s Employment and Training Administration (ETA). The product was created by the recipient and does not necessarily reflect the official position of DOL/ETA. DOL/ETA makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This product is copyrighted by the institution that created it. The total cost of the YouthBuild Elizabeth program is $1,880,600. The U.S. Department of Labor funds $1,500,000 (80%) and the other $380,600 (20%) is funded through non-Federal resources.

About the Housing Authority of the City of Elizabeth
Since its formation in 1938, the Housing Authority of the City of Elizabeth has worked diligently to meet the housing needs and improve the quality of life for all the residents it serves. HACE began with public housing units and now has expanded its portfolio to include Section 8 vouchers, mixed financed developments, and several grant programs that deliver a broad range of services ranging from social, economic, educational and redevelopment. For more information about HACE, visit

Housing Authority of the City of Elizabeth
Cathy Hart
(908) 965-2400



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