YouTube Music bug sees ‘Top songs’ disappear from artist pages

After rolling out big redesigns on Android and iOS last week, the YouTube Music “Top songs” list that appears at the top of artist pages has disappeared.

Normally, opening artist pages will show a list of five “Top songs” underneath the Shuffle and Radio buttons (or the Latest Release card).

Over the past few days, Top songs have disappeared for some artists on YouTube Music for Android, iOS, and the web. There’s no discernible pattern, with other artists not impacted. Musicians of all sizes appear to be impacted by this bug.

“Top songs” is how I often start music, but now I have to use the carousel for Albums or Singles first. It’s an extra step, and I have to more consciously decide what to pick ahead of time. Another alternative is scrolling pretty far down for the “From your library” list near the bottom.

This is presumably a server-side bug that can be remedied in a similar fashion.

The issue comes as YouTube Music recently increased the font on artist pages, as well as Explore, in a boost to legibility. This occurred alongside the broader artist and album view redesigns.

More on YouTube Music:

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About the Author

Abner Lee


Editor-in-chief. Interested in the minutiae of Google and Alphabet. Tips/talk:

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