YouTube will win another news in the videos! He likes?

YouTube is almost always adding new features to improve the video viewing experience. I’m talking about things like the chapters that arrived in May 2020. Thanks to them, the videos arrive divided into different sections so that people can access what really interests them more quickly. But what if there’s a chapter so funny that we want to watch it over and over again? YouTube seems to be working on something that will be very useful for this.

YouTube will get another new feature in the videos! He likes?

YouTube Novidades vídeos

The presence of new lines of text discovered in an analysis by XDA to YouTube APK 17.01.36 suggest that a “repeat chapters” function is being created. . We don’t know yet how this will arrive in the final version, but maybe it will allow you to select a chapter (or chapters) to be played repeatedly.

The chapters already work quite well and besides we can jump directly for them in the reader itself, we can share links to specific chapters. However, search results can also point directly to specific chapters. Another interesting issue is that in many cases YouTube can even automatically split videos, saving time for creators. The new function expands the range of possibilities even further.

Of course, we have been able to play entire YouTube videos in a loop for some time, but this new function allows us to restrict the repetition to specific chapters .

As useful as this sounds, it is not yet known when this function will be available. Either way, we’re sure it’s on its way. Of course, with the passage of time nothing can come. However, it is most likely that this news will reach all users.

YouTube is really betting everything on the news because it is the best way to keep the competition at bay.



Bruno Fonseca

Founder of Leak, he debuted online in 1999 when he created He took his first steps into the world of technology with the Spectrum 48K and never let go of computers. He is addicted to cell phones, tablets and gadgets.

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