YouTuber makes Wordle playable on Game Boy

There’s also a browser version


If the once-daily limit on Wordle is too restrictive, one YouTuber might have a solution for you.

Over the weekend, stacksmashing posted on Twitter that he’d gotten the popular word puzzle game up and running on a Game Boy. You can see the fruits of his labour below:

WORDLE is now running on the Game Boy!

— stacksmashing (@ghidraninja) February 6, 2022

However, his version of Wordle isn’t exclusive to a Game Boy; while it’s available on the retro handheld and Analogue Pocket as a ROM, you can also access it online in a browser. The browser version works on mobile as well. He’s also published the code, should you wish to peruse it.

That said, Wordle is a bit limited due to ROM size, which prevented him from having a big wordlist of “‘real’ words,” says stacksmashing. “Instead I’m using a bloom filter to check (with, admittedly, currently a very high error rate) whether an entered word is one of the 8000 most common English words,” he explained.

As it stands, it’s unclear what the future is for the real Wordle. Last week, it was announced that The New York Times had acquired the game from creator Josh Wardle. The company confirmed it would eventually shift the game over to its own platform, at which time it would be free. However, it’s unclear whether it will remain free permanently.

Image credit: stacksmashing

Via: The Gamer

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