Zenshu Anime Episode 3 Release Date, Where To Watch, And More

Episode 2 of Zenshu, titled “Defend,” is out, and it featured Natsuko’s pretty wild display of her powers in the new world. Although she still has no idea how to get back to her own world, she’s decided to stay put and do what she can until she finds a way to get back. Episode 2 of Zenshu picks up after the scene where Natsuko stops all the voids and saves Unio.

In this article, we’ll cover the major events of episode 2 of Zenshu. We’ll also reveal the release date and speculations for the upcoming episode of the anime. Kindly watch out for spoilers, though, if you aren’t up to date with the anime.

Episode 3 of Zenshu will be released on Sunday, the 19th of January 2025. It can be streamed online through official sources like Crunchyroll.

I. Will Zenshu be on break next week?

No. Zenshu will not be on break next week. Episode 3 will be released on the above-mentioned date without any delay.

2. Zenshu Episode 2 Recap


Zenshu: Luke and Natsuko | Source: MAPPA

Episode 2 of Zenshu started out with Natsuko’s awakening three days after her fight against the voids. She woke up in Luke’s place, where Luke almost immediately greeted her with a ton of questions about her identity, her powers, and a lot more. On hearing her stomach rumble, he made her some food, which she munched on with a satisfied face. Memmeln, Unio, and QJ walked in after this and informed Luke that the village leader asked to see them and wanted Natsuko to be taken along with them.


Zenshu: Baobab and Natsuko | Source: MAPPA

At the leader, Baobab’s place, Natsuko was asked to join the Nine Heroes, as she was deemed to be worthy of the title. Luke was against the notion and strongly vocalized it, telling Natsuko that women shouldn’t be heroes for several reasons that seemed too personal. Natsuko disagreed with his reasons but also let them know that she wouldn’t be joining the Nine Heroes, as it seemed to be too much of a pain. She then revealed that it would be exceptionally annoying since a lot of flying voids would be attacking them soon, which had everyone shocked.

Luke tried to get every bit of information about the upcoming attack from Natsuko, who had also gotten to terms with the fact that she couldn’t leave the new world so easily. So, she agreed to join The Nine Heroes and also gave them the information they needed about the flying voids with the help of some illustrations. Three days after this, the flying voids attacked just as Natsuko had predicted, and the village’s existing forces weren’t able to fend off the imminent threat.


Zenshu: Natsuko’s missile counter attack | Source: MAPPA

It would seem Natsuko’s powers start working when there’s a threat around Luke because when Luke seemed to be losing, her power and inspiration kicked in, and she drew to her heart’s content. From her files, numerous missiles were launched against the voids, and in just a matter of seconds, all the voids that the entire village was struggling to fight were eradicated with no trace. Right after this massive feat, Natsuko collapsed again as she did in the previous episode.

3. What To Expect In Episode 3 of Zenshu

Since Episode 2 of Zenshu ended with Natsuko’s amazing victory, we will likely see Natsuko being welcomed into The Nine Heroes in the next episode. With this, she’ll get the perks of unlimited food and drinks as she had wanted. There aren’t any hints about her going back to her original world, so there isn’t much that can be predicted about that.

It is worth noting that Natsuko’s presence in this world is surely causing drastic changes in the world. Unio was destined to die at the beginning of the story, and the invasion of the flying voids would cause all livestock to perish causing famines. While this was thwarted, the butterfly effect caused by her actions shouldn’t be ignored. Natsuko may be able to predict the future in the present, but from a logical perspective, she wouldn’t be able to keep doing this for too long as her existence has influenced the story too much.

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4. About ZENSHU

“Zenshu” is an upcoming original Japanese anime television series by MAPPA, directed by Mitsue Yamazaki and written by Kimiko Ueno. The series features music by Yukari Hashimoto and character designs by Yoshiteru Tsujino, adapted for animation by Kayoko Ishikawa.

The story follows Natsuko Hirose, who becomes an animator after graduating high school and develops her talent. Natsuko quickly made her directorial debut, and her first directorial work became a huge hit, becoming a social phenomenon. She was highly praised as an up-and-coming genius director.

Her next work has been decided to be a theatrical romantic comedy based on her first love, but Natsuko, who has never loved anyone, does not understand her first love well and is unable to draw a storyboard for her, so she is unable to make the film.

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