Zorío assures that he has financing to pay 368 million to buy back Valencia from Lim and finish the stadium




E l former president of Valencia , Miguel Zorío , has assured who has a serious offer to buy of most Peter Lim’s shares and a viable project to finish the Stadium. The leader of Marea Valencianista , one of Lim’s opposition platforms, has outlined a plan to that the club buy back the majority shareholding from the Singaporean magnate and finish the New Mestalla, an operation that and quantifies in 368 million euros and for which, according to assures, account co n financing through a bank and a construction company foreigners whose names he did not reveal

At a press conference held at the new headquarters of the Peñas Association -after the exile of Mestalla- Zorío pointed out that would be Valencia himself who would buy the shares to later resell them to their fans and thus reduce the debt incurred, although admitted that due to the limits of the treasury stock those shares could be deposited in a company – owned by him – that would control the club.

He said that in the event that all those shares were not sold to followers, they could be distributed “with models who have used other clubs. “ He also confirmed that he would be the club president for at least the duration of the operation.

The former vice president of Vicente Soriano’s time -2008-09 season- detailed the operation in the following figures : 194 million euros would be paid to Lim “in cash” for its shares, plus others 54 million the loans that he has made to the club. The remaining 120 million remaining (up to the figure of 368) would be allocated to finish the stadium , for which he gave a term of completion of the works of three years.

Zorío made it clear that it is a closed proposal : “It is not a negotiable offer, it is the maximum that the club can support”, adding that the financing would have a term of between 20 and 30 years with an interest lower than 3%, and did not specify how this loan would be guaranteed. “Valencia supports with its business project. The guarantees they ask for are project” , said Zorío, who said that this agreement was closed in April but that he has not presented the offer until he has “a solution for the old Mestalla plot,” another key in the process.

Zorío acknowledged that with this plan he limits himself to “copying the Atlético de Madrid model to get out of the crisis “and said that in addition to the lawyer Pablo Delgado and the businessman Vicente Roig, he could not have designed the plan without the help of Miguel Ángel Gil , CEO of the Madrid club.

“Now the ball is in Lim’s court , if you accept it, you have to sign it and from there there are five months of exclusivity , he cannot auction the club. I have 30 days to deposit the guarantees in a bank and he will see the money, but he will not be able to touch it because I will have three months to make one Due Diligence (audit prior to a purchase) of Valencia. It is essential not What happens to Laporta at Barça . Then there is a month to close it, “he explained.

Zorío explained that last week deposited in the notary with which the club works an offer in firm (LOI) and that He also had it delivered by hand to Lim in Singapore, through an acquaintance close to the Valencia’s largest shareholder. In fact, the economist pointed out that has never spoken with Lim , although he assured that he has maintained some contacts in recent years through an entrepreneur “ who is above him on the FORBES list” and assured that it has been transmitted to him that Lim sees the operation “with good eyes”.

“The economic situation of the club is going to deteriorate” , predicted Zorío, who recalled that the money that may come from the agreement between the League and the CVC fund “is debt.”

“If Lim does not want to sell, he will have to put the money and if that serves to put it and finish the stadium … The only thing we want is for Valencia to have life, “said Zorío, who said that in no case would he buy the club, but that they would the Valencianists.

Zorío sent a final message on how to manage the sale of Valencia shares “ Lim did not We are going to take out gorrazos, it will help Mestalla to speak, but we have to sit down with him to pay him the money he says he has put in and for him to leave quietly because if we do not run the risk of the club disappearing. “

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