12 good luck with your coffee for today, FEBRUARY 02

12 късметчета с кафето ти за днес, 02 ФЕВРУАРИ )

Photo: Shad0wfall / Pixabay

1. Remember that your character is your destiny.

2. Time reveals everything hidden and hides everything clear.

3. Reason can be terrible if it does not serve man.

These 6 zodiac signs always react too EMOTIONALLY when under pressure

4. And the most humble person has a higher opinion of himself than his closest friend.

5. And everything looked so great when I was young.

6. Everyone who worries about the future is unhappy.

7 . If you smile at people, they will almost always smile back at you.

8. Those who bring light to others never stay in the dark.

) 9. Be an even better person today.

10. Let whatever happens!

11. Just as gymnastics helps to some extent for physical development, so music is able to influence the aesthetic nature and spirit of man.

The 6 zodiac signs that are FEARLESS )

12. When it comes to creativity, perseverance and unconditional love, children are the best teachers.

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