2022 Kia Niro; Technical details of the new generation with radical changes have been announced.

Important figures before the prices for the 2022 Kia Niro, which will attract all the attention with what it brought with it.

With its fully electric and hybrid infrastructure, the Niro, which has always been at a different point from the Kia product range, signaled that it will turn into a much more impressive car with its new generation, with the preview held in November. The countdown continues for the second generation’s coming to the streets, which has the potential to be a pioneer with the EV6 in maintaining Kia’s success in recent years. After the first official parts came about three months ago, we now have the chance to chat about the 2022 Kia Niro over numbers. The C-segment SUV representative, which will be offered for sale in the European market in a short time, has more successful features on the side of usability as well as its design.


First key details under the hood for 2022 Kia Niro

As in the previous generation, a rich Niro product range awaits us on a version basis. The first point to know about the family, which will be produced in three different ways as hybrid, rechargeable hybrid and all-electric, is on the infrastructure side. We see that the infrastructure used by Kia in the EV6, which is currently in electricity transformation in parallel with Hyundai, is not used here. On this occasion, the fact that the electric Niro is a unique model draws attention. In this version, with a single electric motor and 64 kWh battery, the range value of 450 kilometers remains constant. In the rechargeable hybrid version, a system in which a 1.6-liter gasoline engine is combined with an electric motor awaits us. In the system where these two units will offer 140 horsepower, a 6-stage manual transmission will also be on the list.

The increase in dimensions has become clear

Dimensions are at the forefront of the points where the Niro family has been moved one layer higher than the previous generation. The model, which has become official with a length of 4,420 millimeters, a width of 1,825 millimeters and a height of 1,545 millimeters, has serious improvements in all three points. According to the data shared by Kia, a car 64 millimeters longer, 20 millimeters wider and 10 millimeters higher awaits us. These improvements, which we think will make itself felt on the exterior, do not have much effect on the trunk side. With an increase of 15 liters, a total of 451 liters of usable space is offered, among the main reasons for the gain here is the positioning of the battery under the rear seats instead of the trunk.

In Niro, whose character has been completely reshaped apart from the dimensions, the effect of efficiency was also kept in the foreground while these lines were being created. The friction coefficient of the vehicle, which is given as 0.29 in the factory data, now allows more efficient values ​​​​in consumption with the effect of the new system. Finally, when we look at the cockpit details of the vehicle, it immediately draws attention that the dynamics of the EV6, which made a sound with its introduction, are largely located here. Along with a 10.25-inch digital drive and multimedia display, a 10-inch head-up display is on the hardware list. The gear selector and other elements in the console design also allow a simple and modern living space. We expect the new Niro, whose prices are expected to be announced in a short time, to be put on sale in Turkey before the end of this year.

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