2K and Supermassive Games Officially Announce The Quarry, Trailer Released

2K and Supermassive Games Officially Announce The Quarry, Trailer Released

William D’Angelo
, posted 14 hours ago / 855 Views

Publisher 2K and developer Supermassive Games have officially announced horror game, The Quarry, for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam. It will Launch on June 10.

The Quarry is breaking new ground across interactive storytelling and technology to create a truly visceral teen-horror experience,” said Supermassive Games director Will Byles. “I can’t wait to see the choices you make, who you’ll save, and who you’re willing to sacrifice!”

2K president David Ismailer added, “As an interactive narrative experience, The Quarry is a completely different type of game from anything 2K has published in the past. We are partnering because Supermassive Games are simply the best at what they do, and we’re huge fans of the studio.

“The chance to work with one of the great creative minds in our industry doesn’t come often, and we are excited to be on this journey together with The Quarry.”

View the official announcement trailer below:

Here is an overview of the game:

The Quarry is an all-new teen-horror narrative game where your every choice, big or small, shapes your story and determines who lives to tell the tale. Featuring an iconic ensemble cast of Hollywood stars and celebrities, including David Arquette (Scream franchise), Ariel Winter (Modern Family), Justice Smith (Jurassic World), Brenda Song (Dollface), Lance Henriksen (Aliens), Lin Shaye (A Nightmare on Elm Street), and more.

As the sun sets on the last day of summer camp, the teenage counselors of Hackett’s Quarry throw a party to celebrate. No kids. No adults. No rules.

Things quickly take a turn for the worse.

Hunted by blood-drenched locals and something far more sinister, the teens’ party plans unravel into an unpredictable night of horror. Friendly banter and flirtations give way to life-or-death decisions, as relationships build or break under the strain of unimaginable choices.

Play as each of the nine camp counselors in a thrilling cinematic tale, where every choice shapes your unique story from a tangled web of possibilities. Any character can be the star of the show – or die before daylight comes. How will your story unfold?

Key Features:

  • Your Story, Their Fate – Will you dare to check what’s behind that trap door? Will you investigate the screams echoing from within the forest? Will you save your friends or desperately run for your life? Every choice, big or small, shapes your story and determines who lives to tell the tale.
  • A Stunning Cinematic Experience – Cutting-edge facial capture and filmic lighting techniques, combined with incredible performances from an iconic ensemble cast of Hollywood talent, bring the horrors of Hackett’s Quarry to life in a pulse-pounding, cinematic thrill ride;
  • Enjoy the Fright with Friends – Place your faith in up to seven friends in online play, where invited players watch along and vote on key decisions, creating a story shaped by the whole group! Or, play together in a party horror couch co-op experience where each player picks a counselor and controls their actions.
  • Customize Your Experience – Adjustable difficulty for all gameplay elements let players of any skill level enjoy the horror. And if you prefer to watch rather than play, Movie Mode lets you enjoy The Quarry as a binge-worthy cinematic thriller. Select how you want the story to unfold, kick back, and munch on some popcorn in between all the screams!

A life-long and avid gamer, William D’Angelo was first introduced to VGChartz in 2007. After years of supporting the site, he was brought on in 2010 as a junior analyst, working his way up to lead analyst in 2012. He has expanded his involvement in the gaming community by producing content on his own YouTube channel and Twitch channel dedicated to gaming Let’s Plays and tutorials. You can contact the author at wdangelo@vgchartz.com or on Twitter @TrunksWD.

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