James Bond: There was really time to die. And now?

(Contains Spoilers) If you happen to be a fan of the James Bond movie saga, it is very likely that you knew that No Time To Die would be Daniel Craig’s last movie as 007. But… Maybe he didn’t know that the legendary agent 007 would die in this movie.

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    • James Bond: There really was time to die. And now?

      James Bond:

        Therefore, it is still too early to talk about the film, since it was released in Portugal in the past Wednesday, so if you don’t want to read spoilers, it’s best to close this article now. Consider yourself warned!

Well, it’s not news to anyone that Daniel Craig wanted to get rid of the James Bond skin, due to the lifestyle necessary to incarnate the spy British. We are obviously talking about a very restricted diet, many training sessions, etc… All in preparation for the filming, where everything has to be perfect. It is also important to point out that the actor has already he is 53 years old, and as such, he could not continue to play the role of 007 forever.

Still, Daniel Craig was not the first James Bond in the saga of 007 films, whereas before him, we had the mythical Sean Connery, David Niven, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, and even Pierce Brosnan. So you would expect there to be a new James Bond, to take the famous film saga into a new cinematic era! But no… James Bond died in No Time to Die! Something that had never happened since the first 007 movie hit the big screen in 1962.

A death, my friends, is really final! It’s impossible to go back, after taking a few missiles on top. Not to mention, that going back after this ending would take away all the emotional charge of the character’s farewell, what a surprise, it leaves a daughter behind.

Actually, we already knew that James Bond had to die…

Unfortunately , James Bond had to leave the scene, to open the door to a new era for the saga. Where the same will most likely be replaced by a new 007. Yes, a new agent, a woman. By the way, in No Time To Die, James Bond had already been replaced by Nomi ( Lashana Lynch), inside MI6.

A strategy, which apparently created some problems during script development, as Danny Boyle should have been the film’s director, but ended up for leaving the project too soon, due to “creative differences”, which by kids means the director didn’t want to kill James Bond, saying the idea was just ridiculous (and it is).

    But it’s done! Bond died, spectacularly, and now, let’s enter a new era of 007 movies… Yes, Bond is dead, but “the show must go on.”

    But this raises a question… After some ‘fails’ in movie theaters, like Ghostbusters, MiB, Ocean’s 8, Birds of Prey, etc…Will killing James Bond, to replace him with a new actress, won’t also go down badly with the fans?

    This is the question from million euros, which, quite frankly, no one quite knows how to answer. Hollywood decided to play with the basis of one of the biggest sagas ever in the world of cinema, and the results are, to say the least, unpredictable.

    Personally, I have nothing against seeing women incarnated a leading role in any epic saga. But I have some problems seeing this happen, at the expense of everything that was done backwards, at the expense of what the history of cinema is. To me, 007 is James Bond, and it will always be James Bond, whether he is dead or alive.

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