Transport: 5,771 additional vehicles will travel 43 million km more

Infrastructure ministry report

In Campania the largest number of more vehicles. Followed by Lombardy, Puglia and Lazio

by Nicoletta Cottone

Passengers along the metro platform in Milan (Ansa / Mourad Balti Touati)

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Regions and autonomous provinces have planned 5,771 additional vehicles for the local public transport service in September -December 2021, to address the reopening of schools in the presence of 100%, the resumption of work activities and the filling coefficient of vehicles equal to 80% of the approved places. This is attested by the monitoring report published by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility, illustrated by Minister Enrico Giovannini during the update meeting with the prefects of metropolitan cities. A meeting that took place one month after the resumption after the summer break.

They will cover almost 43 millions of km more

On the roads, additional buses, trains, subways and trolleybuses, the report reads, will produce almost 43 million kilometers in more services, with an increase of about 323% compared to those of the same period of 2020. In many cases the increase is accompanied by an increase in the number of controllers. By implementing the guidelines published in August, regions, autonomous provinces, municipalities and transport companies “have not only enhanced additional services to avoid gatherings, but have also adopted sanitation and sanitation operations, a more marked use of digitization and technologies , user information campaigns “.

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In Campania the largest number of additional vehicles

Campania is the region that has planned to make the largest number of additional vehicles available to citizens: as many as 950. Lombardy follows with 644 additional vehicles, Puglia with 506, Lazio with 502. Six regions and autonomous provinces have announced their intention to use the funds made available by the ministry to increase the number of controllers, for an estimated total of 746 controllers . The highest charges in Lombardy with more than 26.6 million and in Lazio with over 26.1 million.

Studies and experiments on sanitation of vehicles

The report indicates that for the sanitation and sanitation activities some companies have launched studies and trials of new technological devices to verify their benefits and criticalities. There are automatic devices for sanitizing the air and for internal areas and surfaces, disinfection of vehicles with ozone generators or aerosolizing machines.

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Tickets and season tickets increasingly online

The report indicates that almost all companies have implemented digitization of some anti-Covid activities: from the sale of tickets and passes online, to the introduction of weekly train-bus passes, to the online issue and renewal of Ztl and Zrs permits, up to the purchase of tickets through specific apps and on-board validation with Qr Code. Then passenger counter instruments, bus Alert systems to report in real time on the displays of the vehicles or on the smart poles at the stops the capacity status of each bus arriving at the stop. Among the innovations there are also initiatives to inform users about the anti-Covid rules and the rules of conduct to be observed.

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