Dean Lane Named General Manager for The Diplomat Beach Resort in Hollywood, Florida

Dean Lane - General Manager - Diplomat Beach Resort in Hollywood, Florida
Dean Lane – General Manager – Diplomat Beach Resort in Hollywood, Florida

Dean Lane has been named as the new general manager of The Diplomat Beach Resort in Hollywood, Florida. Located at 3555 S Ocean Drive the 1,000-room Resort was recently purchased by Trinity Investments, and is operated by Hilton, as a location of Hilton’s Curio Collection.

Dean Lane will lead the team in all aspects of Resort operations, from team leadership to experiential development, guest services and satisfaction. “We are privileged to have someone of Dean’s caliber and industry experience leading the team, and know that his unique experience and industry edge are exactly what is needed at The Diplomat to guide the Resort into its most exciting era yet,” said Doug Gehret, Area Vice President at Hilton.

“I look forward to this new opportunity and am proud to be able to lead the phenomenal team at The Diplomat Beach Resort,” said Lane. “My ultimate goal is to ensure this premiere Resort remains the unquestionable leader in the South Floridian market for both leisure and business travelers visiting the area, by delivering an unparalleled guest experiences and best-in-class amenities around every bend.”

Prior to joining The Diplomat Beach Resort, Lane served as Hilton Area General Manager in the Chicago / Midwest region, overseeing the operations of five Hilton Hotels & Resorts. Prior to his Area General Manager position, Dean served as General Manager of Palmer House, a Hilton Hotel where he played a large role in the four-year, $140 million renovation of the legendary property resulting in subsequent record-breaking revenue and market share gains. With more than 30 years in the hospitality industry, Dean began his hospitality career at the MGM Grand Hotel in Reno, a property featuring 2,000 rooms, wherein he was involved in the $220 million renovation of the property as Executive Assistant Manager. Along Dean’s path, he has acquired numerous accolades not limited to Historic Hotels of America’s “Historic Hotelier of the Year” in 2014 and the Illinois Hotel and Lodging Association’s “Hotelier of the Year” in 2015. In 2017, he was voted Chairman of the Board for the latter association.

Lane is also an active part of the community; he has held roles within the State Street Commission, served board member of the Chicago Loop Alliance, and served on the Board of Directors for Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicagoland and Northwest, Indiana, keeping in line with Hilton’s overall service culture and philosophy of giving back.

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