[Breaking News] President Moon “must innovate with the determination to cut bones for military human rights”

문재인 대통령이 1일 경북 포항 영일만 해상 마라도함에서 열린 제73주년 국군의 날 기념식에서 경례하고 있다. 연합뉴스 President Moon Jae-in salutes at a ceremony to commemorate the 73rd Armed Forces Day held at the Marado ship in Yeongil Bay, Pohang, Gyeongsangbuk-do, on the 1st. Yonhap News

President Moon Jae-in said on the 1st, “The military The core of innovation is ‘human rights’,” he said. “Please innovate with the determination to cut bones for human rights in the military.” At the Armed Forces Day event held at the Marado ship in the Republic of Korea, he emphasized that “the military itself is undergoing intensive reforms” and “the right to a transparent and fair investigation and trial was systematically guaranteed through the revision of the Military Court Act.” .

said, “The friendship between the two people, formed while respecting each other’s human rights, is the nourishment for the military’s morale and combat power.” Please keep in mind that innovation is the shortcut to becoming a strong force.”

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