Twitter is now X for Android, tweets are called ‘posts’

X branding came to Twitter for Android earlier this week, and another update rolling out on Friday afternoon changes the app name, while “tweet” seemingly becomes “post.”

Starting on the beta channel with version 10.1.0-beta.1, the app name is now “X” — “X Beta” in this case — as we were expecting. As such, X moves down to the bottom of your app grid before the YouTube family of apps. (The only other common “X” is Xbox.)

The package name is still, and it’s ultimately unlikely that will change as this would require a new app and Play Store listing, which has since been overhauled.

The earlier update this week added “X” in various app copy, search bars, and menus. Now, X for Android has changed “Tweet” to “Post” when you open the bottom-right corner FAB. That’s truly a stark departure and emblematic of how all the old, iconic branding is going away. 

You can also see this change on profile pages with the “Tweets” tab becoming “Posts.”

As of this update, the dark blue “Dim” dark mode is still present, but it’s set to go all black (or what is known as “Lights out” today). However, the light mode will be retained. X removing the blue makes sense in the context of this total brand overhaul, but it’s a shame, as that shade was always quite nice and not too stark.

Again, version 10.1.0 is currently in beta, but it should enter the stable channel soon.

More on Twitter/X:

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