Lagos explains alleged attacks on Director General, Lagos Trade Fair Complex

Lagos International Trade Fair 

The Lagos State Commissioner for Physical Planning and Urban Development, Dr. Oluyinka Olumide has maintained that the physical planning enforcement on the Lagos International Trade fair complex, Ojo, Alaba, on Wednesday was justified to stop further development of buildings without official approval within the complex.

This is coming barely a day after the Director-General of the Trade Fair complex, Vera Ndanusa, accused officials of the Lagos State Government of harassment and assault.

Olumide said that the Trade Fair Complex has a record of not complying with building regulations or even cooperating with attempts to bring it to voluntary compliance.

Lagos denies claims of harassment

He noted that the enforcement exercise of yesterday was to send a strong signal that planning infractions in the area must stop while all building constructions must be regularised with the Lagos State Ministry of Physical Planning and Urban Development as stipulated by the Supreme Court Judgement of 2003.

  • The Commissioner said, ‘’However, it is further from the truth that the Honourable Commissioner harassed or ordered the harassment of the Director-General, Trade Fair Complex, Vera Ndanusa, who made such a claim on Channels TV, whilst it is true that security operatives intuitively released teargas to forestall mayhem when the convoy was blocked by hoodlums after the successful completion of the exercise.
  • ‘’The enforcement exercise of the Ministry does not single out the Trade Fair Complex,  but it is a routine and cautionary move to ensure that people across the State build right in the interest of all.’’

Olumide pointed out that the Ministry of Physical Planning and Urban Development is empowered by the Lagos State Urban and Regional Planning and Development Law 2019 as amended to control the development of physical structures within the State, issue planning permits and enforce compliance.

He said the Ministry’s role is sacrosanct for a livable, organised and sustainable environment as well as the overall well-being and wellness of Lagosians.

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Chike Olisah

Chike Olisah

Chike was a banker with over 11 years experience in retail and commercial banking, risk management, treasury portfolio management and relationship management.

He also acquired some experience in financial management and do have some special interest in investment analysis and personal finance. He had stints with financial institutions like the former Intercontinental Bank and Fidelity Bank.

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