A Psychologist Explains Why Affirmations Are So Good For Your Mental Health

When life leaves you feeling out of control, there’s power in setting positive affirmations. These short statements may seem innocuous at first, but according to psychology, they can be powerful tools for cultivating positivity, clearing your head, and even relieving anxious thoughts.

Whether you’re looking to build confidence, overcome anxiety, or get out of a negative spiral, affirmations can be great for your mental health. To explain why our brains love affirmations so much, we asked a psychologist to break down the science. Read on to learn how positive affirmations actually work and why you might want to add them to your own wellness routine. Plus, find some expert-approved affirmations to get you started (and some tips on what to avoid).

Experts Featured in This Article:

Angele Close, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist and certified mindfulness meditation teacher with a background in psychotherapy.

Affirmations and Mental Health

In terms of why affirmations help with mental health, focus is key. “Shifting our mental attention towards our intentions has the potential to help us steer away from negative thinking patterns and create a positive change in mood, mindset, and energy,” says Angele Close, PhD. Although it’s natural to fall into negative thought patterns, positive affirmations can help us break these habits by building self-esteem and confidence. They essentially train our brain to see the glass half-full, challenging negative self-talk, and affirming more positive beliefs and self-perception. Depending on the intention, affirmations can also be useful grounding techniques, and help reduce anxiety.

Affirmations For Beginners

Before you start setting your affirmations, it’s important to understand what they are. Affirmations work differently than standard goal-setting, and they aren’t the same as “faking it until you make it,” Dr. Close says. “Where goals tend to be concrete and achievable outcomes, affirmations are better used [to evoke] experiences,” she adds. Her example: if your goal is to maintain a healthier lifestyle, you can repeat affirmations that help facilitate a positive relationship with your body. If your affirmations are too unrealistic, they’re less likely to help in the long run.

Dr. Close suggests starting with a five- to 10-minute meditation. Clear your mind and ask yourself, “What matters most to my heart?” This way, you’re approaching your affirmations with mindfulness and clarity. Here are some simple affirmations you can try to help with loss, uncertainty, or isolation, as recommended by Dr. Close:

  • I understand that nothing is permanent, and I am centered and balanced no matter what.
  • I can choose how I respond to what’s around me.
  • Feelings of loneliness are valid, and I know I feel love for others. I, too, am loved.
  • I am strong, resilient, and capable.
  • The grief I experience is an expression of love and loss. I am sad and in grief, and I am OK.

For the best results, affirmations need to be practiced consistently, although this looks differently for everyone, Dr. Close says. Affirmations can be whispered silently in the mind, spoken out loud, journaled, prayed, or even painted — whatever resonates best with you. Whatever you choose, aim to say your affirmations daily, as repetition is an important part of the process, Dr. Close says. Experts previously told PS that affirmations should be said three times a day (morning, afternoon, and evening) for five minutes at a time. To help keep you on track, Dr. Close suggests placing affirming sticky notes in places you’ll see throughout the day, or incorporating your affirmation into a daily yoga practice or stretching session.

What Not to Do

As for affirmation don’ts: try not to take on too many affirmations at once; that way, your attention isn’t spread too thin. You may also want to support your affirmations through tangible lifestyle changes. For instance, if you’re working on your happiness, you can act on positive affirmations by doing things that fulfill you. “It’s simply not enough to just say affirmations and continue to live life the same,” Dr. Close says. Affirmations are a great way to boost positivity and self-esteem, but remember to take care and seek additional support if you need it.

— Additional reporting by Chandler Plante

Lauren Pardee is a former associate editor and New Englander turned New Yorker who can be found eating her way through the five boroughs, hiking around Connecticut, or beach-bound with her labradoodle.

Chandler Plante is an assistant editor for PS Health & Fitness. Previously, she worked as an editorial assistant for People magazine and contributed to Ladygunn, Millie, and Bustle Digital Group. In her free time, she overshares on the internet, creating content about chronic illness, beauty, and disability.

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