We keep moving forward! 44% of the target population received two doses against covid-19

Hasta ayer, miércoles 6 de octubre, el Minsa aplicó 28 millones 573,380 dosis de vacunas contra la covid-19. ANDINA/ Minsa

Until yesterday, Wednesday, October 6, the Minsa applied 28 million 573,380 doses of vaccines against covid-19. ANDINA / Minsa

44% of the target population for vaccination against covid -19 in Peru, it has already received the two doses that prevent serious cases and death from coronavirus, the Ministry of Health (Minsa) reported tonight.

So far, Peru has applied 28 million 869,756 doses of vaccines against covid-19. Of that total, 16 million 575,620 correspond to the first dose and 12 million 294,136 to the second dose .

“That number represents an advance of 44% of the target population,” stated the Health authority in its daily report.

According to the Ministry of Health, the target population is men and women over 12 years of age , which in Peru total 28 million 24,250 people.

Until yesterday, Wednesday, October 6, the Minsa had applied 28 million 573,380 doses, for which in the last 24 hours placed 296,376 more.

More in Andina

– Andean Agency (@Agency_Andina) October 7, 2021


Posted: 10/7/2021

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