The reason why “Nietzsche”, which denies “absolute”, sticks to modern people A philosopher who predicted the arrival of the “era of diversity” in the 19th century | Leadership, culture, qualifications, skills | Toyo Keizai Online


Explains Nietzsche’s philosophy, which is popular all over the world (Photo: clu / iStock)

The most popular philosopher in the world and in Japan is Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) in Germany. “God is dead” “Nihilism” “Superman” “Ressentiment” ……. Many of the ideas we take for granted now come from Nietzsche. What is his philosophy? Yuichiro Okamoto, a philosopher and emeritus professor at the Faculty of Letters, Tamagawa University, wrote “ Nietzsche I want to learn as a culture ], Partially excerpted and reconstructed, and introduces a part of Nietzsche’s philosophy.

Mask=philosopher who loves multifacetedness

It is said that “I love masks” is a very big feature of Nietzsche. In his book “The Higan of Good and Evil,” he says, “All deep spirits need masks,” and he talks about various personalities in the form of masks, which means the “multifacetedness” of personalities. At the same time, it is explained in the form of “multifaceted” psychology and knowledge, and “perspective”.

Nietzsche is not only that way of thinking, but he himself is also multifaceted, and for that matter, his epistemology itself is also multifaceted. Emphasize.

Perhaps Nietzsche’s ideas and ideas were not just that Nietzsche himself was a strange person, or that he was very interesting as a human being. The part of “multifacetedness” may be one big image in common with us today. Insist on “mask” and emphasize the multifaceted nature of knowledge itself. In that sense, Nietzsche is a multifaceted philosopher, and many philosophers have been influenced by it.

In the case of Nietzsche, there is no idea of ​​a true personality and a fake personality. They say that everything is a mask and a virtual image. To put it the other way around, there is no idea of ​​exposing oneself as it is. That is why it is said that “I love masks”, but Nietzsche argues that people are only changing masks on the spot.

It is natural for Nietzsche to say that the character is strange, and the idea of ​​”real self” is exactly Platonism (Platon’s philosophy, And a general term for a philosophical system strongly influenced by Plato’s philosophy). If Nietzsche says, “Where is that?”, He hates “real” the most.

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