Lionel Jones instills hard work and determination in children with his book “Cleophus the Clogging Cow”

The book is one of the new children??s titles at the upcoming Tucson Festival of Books 2022.

San Diego, CA – WEBWIRESaturday, January 8, 2022

Don??t miss Lionel Jones?? ??Cleophus the Clogging Cow?? at the Tucson Festival of Books 2022.

Lionel Jones, a teacher and musician, breaks into the children??s book biz with his debut publication ??Cleophus the Clogging Cow?? (2021). This illustrated children??s book dazzles as a delightful story that is filled with important life lessons about hard work, determination, friendship, and self-esteem ?? perfectly pitched for children of all ages.
The themes that Jones espouses in ??Cleophus the Clogging Cow?? fit in his vocation as a ??children??s elementary school music teacher. ?? In one interview, he said: ??I do my best to encourage children to turn all their no??s into yes??s. I am an exhorter of people??s possibilities. Just because it hasn??t happed doesn??t mean it can??t be done.
??I??m determined to turn every child into a valuable part of the human society. I encourage all my children to never give up. Just because it??s hard doesn??t mean you can??t do it.  I teach that success comes to those who may get knocked down but are determined to learn from their mistakes and to get back up.??
Lionel Jones?? ??Cleophus the Clogging Cow?? will be publicly displayed at the exhibit that self-publishing and book marketing company ReadersMagnet will put up at the 2022 Tucson Festival of Books on March 12-13, 2022, at the University of Arizona Mall, Tucson, AZ. Make sure you don??t miss this out on all the exciting fun.
Order Lionel Jones?? ??Cleophus the Clogging Cow?? today on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the book??s website
To know more about Lionel Jones?? work as a singer, musician, and producer, make sure to visit his website
Cleophus the Clogging Cow
Author | Lionel Jones
Published date | March 8, 2021
Publisher | Lionel Jones/ Luminaire Press
Book retail price | $14.95
Author Bio
Lionel Jones has been teaching music in public schools for twenty-nine years. Before that, he served in the military for six years. He found his gift with elementary school-aged children and has enjoyed the journey. Lionel is also a well-known singer, songwriter, and producer.

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Contact Information
Jay Montecillo
Author Relations Officer
ReadersMagnet LLC

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