You asked the nutritionist: How to stop overeating, especially in the evening?

Marija Đurković

How to stop overeating – is one of the questions we arrived via Instagram profile @ . “I got into the routine of overeating, mostly in the evening, when I’m done with all the obligations. How can I stop this? ”We asked the nutritionist Marija Đurković for an answer.

What can be the causes of overeating

There are several reasons why we overdo food in the evening, and they are:

1. During the day, when we are most active, we do not get enough food.
2. We skipped one or two meals.
3. You are tired, and then the body craves energy.
4. Your meals are unbalanced.
5. You set yourself too many restrictions during the day.

Overeating usually occurs if you have breakfast earlier, 8-9 h, and then lunch at 17-18 h, only when we get home. It is normal, when we come hungry, that we will not have enough – whatever we eat.
And then we go back to basics – regular meals are there to prevent evening overeating.

When a problem is identified, then it can

How to stop overeating – a few useful strategies

It is necessary to eat during the day – which means to bring meals from home. Breakfast, snacks, lunch (if you stay longer at work). Another meal schedule, which has worked well for my clients, is as follows: breakfast at home, then at work snacks and repeated breakfast, and then when you get home, lunch and dinner in the evening.

Also, it is very important to drink enough fluids.

If there is an emotional problem what is the reason overeating, my advice is to visit a psychotherapist, where you will come together to find the cause and solution of the problem.

) Marija Đurković is a nutritionist by profession. She graduated from the Medical School of Vocational Studies in Belgrade with the same name, after which she attended a course organized by the Association for Recreation and Fitness of Vojvodina and obtained a certificate of advisor for nutrition and supplementation in recreation and fitness. In December 2017, she opened a nutrition counseling center in Nova Pazova, where a large number of her clients have gone from desire to goal. Maria hopes that all of them brought from the counseling center a love for a healthy diet and healthy living habits. From July 1, 2020, the counseling center is working at another location, in block A in New Belgrade.

Read and How to prevent evening hunger attacks?

) via Marija Đurković

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