Initial casino bonus efbet with 50% jump at the maximum amount for the user

Начален казино бонус efbet с 50% скок при максималната сума за потребителя )


Gambling is becoming more and more developed worldwide, and this is no exception for Bulgaria, as for years more and more people are trying to combine pleasure with winning money. Of course, this requires changes in the market.

More and more intriguing, different and attractive proposals are needed. And by no means should we forget the bonuses with which sports betting companies seek to stand out from the fierce competition.

Casino games are one of the most important components of this industry, and millions of users around the world are targeting them. Efbet’s online casino continues its great development and now reaches a new level in bonuses, and one of the most important.

Initial bonus casino efbet gives a 200% bonus on the first deposit on the site. Until now, this was valid for amounts up to BGN 1,000, but the threshold has already been raised by 50% and so each new user will receive a 200% bonus on the first deposit up to BGN 1,500.

In other words – the user deposits an amount and receives an additional two times the amount deposited as a bonus, this is valid up to a maximum of 1500 BGN . Even if you deposit BGN 2,000, you will receive a bonus of BGN 1,500 (BGN 3,000).

Of course, we emphasize again that this impressive offer is only for new users. In addition, there are various requirements for rolling the bonus and once they are met, then the user has the right to withdraw the amount generated.

Rules for the deployment of the initial casino bonus efbet, other bonuses and tips – read HERE .

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