Training for the ISS stay: cosmonaut still gets a US visa

The Russian cosmonaut Nikolai Chub has now received a visa to enter the USA, where he is to train for his stay on the International Space Station ISS. This was announced by the Russian space agency Roskosmos. Their boss had made public the non-issuance of the visa a few days ago and spoke of a “dangerous precedent” for the cooperation on the ISS.

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Then as now there is no reason for the interim refusal of the visa, but Roskosmos boss Rogozin had already given the opportunity that it was just a misunderstanding.The US State Department had not commented on the matter, citing privacy obligations to US media.

Tschub is part of the reserve crew for a launch to the ISS planned for September and part of the main crew for a flight scheduled for March 2023 Prior to such flights to mankind’s orbiting outpost, it is common for astronauts to train at both the JA Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City near Moscow and NASA’s Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Houston, where they learn di e know the Russian and US parts of the ISS.

Despite the political conflicts between the United States and Russia, cooperation in space travel had largely gone smoothly, and the necessary visas for these training stays had always been granted. Rogozin made the problems for Chub public at the weekend

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