Wonderful autumn: seven reasons to look forward to the golden season

Hurray, autumn is as good as here! There is absolutely no reason to mourn the past summer.

On the contrary: Here are seven good reasons to look forward to the golden season now.

1. Great colors

Before winter makes everything appear gray and bare outside, autumn plunges the world into a dazzling fairytale world.

Colorful leaves the trees and red-brown chestnuts are bathed in warm light by the low-lying sun. A wonderful backdrop for going for a walk . So put on your boots and get some fresh air!

2. Favorite items from the closet

We have all these certain items of clothing that we rummage out of the closet just in time for the end of summer – and we are looking forward to the first fitting after so many months.

Whether an oversize sweater or a woolen hat: Now is the time again for our cosiest favorite items!

The beloved cuddly scarf is all well and good, but hanging your summer clothes back does anyway sore? No problem, with tights and cardigans, airy fabrics and flower prints cut a good figure even in autumn!

Reading tip

3. Better sleep

That’s it with night sweats and nasty mosquito bites. In the fall you will finally get a proper night’s sleep again.

Because the shorter days mean that you sleep better can. After all, the first rays of the sun only shine through the bedroom window much later.

4. Finally another series marathon

The summer break is over and all the series that one has longingly waited for are starting the next season.

And if that Rain is pattering on the windows, you can waste time in front of the television with a clear conscience – wonderfully cozy, right?

It will of course be just as beautiful with new books between many thick pillows and a fragrant cup cocoa .

5. Culinary highlight of the year: Pumpkin soup

Now you can finally try your hand at lovely recipes for the golden season again: A warming pumpkin soup, for example, is the ultimate autumn meal. At least as tasty are now Tarte flambée and plum crumble!

Hokkaido pumpkins , for example, have a very low fat content and stimulate bladder and kidney activity. With only 26 calories per 100 grams, an ideal feast for the figure-conscious.

Also quinces, chestnuts and apples are in season now.

Recipe: Easy Peasy Pumpkin Soup

zwei Schüsseln mit Kürbissuppe in einer herbstlichen Tischatmosphäre


6. Bye bye, bikini and swimming trunks

Even if everyone can always wear what he or she wants, many people feel uncomfortable in swimwear because they think they are not in a suitable figure

Thanks to the autumn, you don’t have to worry about it anymore – and you can work on the attitude towards your own body in the cold season. Because if you feel good, you look great – regardless of the clothes!

7. New cosiness

It’s wet, cold outside and your fingers almost freeze on the way home? Autumn is the time for cuddly socks, wool blankets and hot water bottles.

The motto is to sit on the couch and enjoy a wonderful cup of favorite tea. This warms up even the biggest frostbite and is wonderfully cozy after the numerous beautiful, but perhaps also stressful, barbecue events and outdoor adventures.

Reading tips

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