Migrants on the border with Belarus. Deputy Commissioner for a family found in the forest: these people were in a dramatic state

Dr. Hanna Machińska, Deputy Ombudsman, spoke about the situation of migrants on the border with Belarus in “Fakty po Faktach”. “We had an extremely dramatic meeting with the family in the woods,” she said. As she reported, “these people were in a dramatic condition, they spent 15 days in forests, first in Belarus, five days in Poland”.

Over 20 migrants – including women and eight children – found on Monday morning in Szymki, were later that day in front of the Border Guard post in Michałów in Podlasie. On Wednesday, the spokeswoman for the Podlasie Branch of the Border Guard Katarzyna Zdanowicz said in an interview with a TVN24 reporter that “the procedure was applied to migrants in accordance with the regulation”. She confirmed that there were women and children among them. She also reported that the migrants “were brought to the border line and are now in Belarus”.

Hanna Machińska asked on Friday in “Fakty po Facts “does anyone from the Human Rights Defender’s Office know where these children are,” she said that “we do not know where the children from Michałów are, but we are very much interested in their fate”.

– Yesterday we spent day and night at the border in Border Guard posts, but not only. We were, among others, in Michałów, Narewka – she added.

– We had an extremely dramatic meeting with a family that found themselves in the forest, a family of three. There was a 10-year-old boy in this family in a dramatic situation – said the deputy Ombudsman.

She added that “they were people from Congo, Cameroon, which needed immediate help. ” – Of course, we gave this help. We were together with the PCK paramedics. We had to inform the Border Guard what is natural. These people were taken to Narewka – she reported.

– Then we met again with these people. They were in a dramatic condition. These were people who spent 15 days in the woods. First in Belarus, five days in Poland. They ate little, actually. They stated that the only food they had was apples and what they found in the forest, continued Machińska.

– And if today we are talking about children from Michałów, I must say that this is the darkest picture of Poland – she said. She added that “this is just a scandal”.

Author: js, karol


Main photo source: TVN24

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