A leap in faith for this organic hemp seed farm — the journey of Vasse Valley

We chat to Vasse Valley about their leap of faith to start their sustainable hemp farm, their struggles with misconceptions and their triumphs in growing their business into what it is today.

What inspired the brand Vasse Valley?

With a desire to make a sustainable living on our family farm, we started growing industrial hemp in 2015 with the vision to manufacture hemp foods. Of course, it was still not legal to eat hemp seed-based products back then so it was a major gamble, but one that paid off when the government legalised hemp for human consumption in 2017.

What has been the most challenging part of your journey so far?

Besides the common challenges faced by all start-ups, we’ve struggled with the poor reputation, misconceptions and general lack of knowledge that accompanies cannabis. For example, we cannot advertise on Facebook or Instagram as they state we are violating their policies by advertising illicit substances. Hemp foods cannot get you high and will not lead to a positive drug test.

What are some of the nutritional benefits of Hemp Seed?

Hemp seeds are a great source of polyunsaturated and essential fatty acids, which are healthy fats! In total, they contain about 30% fat with a unique 3:1 ratio of omega-6 and omega-3. This is a perfect ratio for our nutritional requirements, it promotes cardiovascular health and may benefit some skin diseases. Another essential fatty acid found in hemp seeds is Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). This is a type of omega-6 fatty acid that can have a hormone regulatory effect that may relieve symptoms of PMS. One tablespoon of hemp hearts (seeds) is all you need to meet your daily omega 3 requirements.

Hemp seeds are also a complete plant protein, meaning they contain all the essential amino acids required by the body for growth, repair and maintenance. They also contain magnesium, iron, calcium, B vitamins, zinc, potassium and vitamin E.

How does Vasse Valley support the environment and sustainable farming?

At Vasse Valley, we are committed to sustainable farming and promoting the many benefits of hemp and the environment. Our crops are grown without the use of chemical sprays and we practice regenerative farming wherever possible. We are also highly proactive in the global challenge of reducing our carbon footprint. For example, this year we plan to revegetate 20% of our farm to offset carbon emissions!

Will you add CBD oil to your product range in the future?

If CBD oil (aka hemp oil) becomes a less regulated over-the-counter product in Australia then yes, we will! In the meantime, we’ve developed an alternative called Terpene Tonic. Terpenes are natural chemicals that give plants their distinctive smells and tastes and their healing abilities. They can also interact with the Endocannabinoid System, much like CBD oil does. Because terpenes occur in all plants, they are cheaper to extract and therefore cheaper to buy. If you believe CBD oil or medicinal cannabis will help with your health problems, we recommend giving the Terpene Tonics a go first. They may be just what you need at a fraction of the cost.

For more information, visit Vasse Valley online. 

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