A Muscovite fell in love with a taxi driver and followed him to Kyrgyzstan. The group “Zorkiy” shot a mini-film about this – and a clip with stunning views

Musician and screenwriter Vasily Zorkiy shot a short documentary film “See you” – the love story of a Muscovite Asya and a taxi driver from Kyrgyzstan Zhanybek. They lived together in Moscow for two years, Zhanybek went home and could not return – as the heroes themselves say, due to fines for parking and smoking in the wrong place, he was barred from entering Russia for two years. After that, Asya decided to leave for him, and discovered Kyrgyzstan. In 2021, the film was included in one of the programs of the Beat Film Festival. The film ends with a clip of the “Zorkiy” group – with the most beautiful views of Kyrgyzstan. Operator – Adelina Dzivaeva. Meduza presents a film with commentary by the authors.

Vasily Zorky

the author of the film

С us something happened during these one and a half years. Covid, collapsed income, some big personal crisis for almost every member of the group made us sit down and think about what we are doing. Why, why and where to move with all this. When I was doing a project in which actors from all over the world read fairy tales and sang lullabies in nine languages, I had a clear feeling that no matter what, I want to be part of a large, global world. I want to talk to a wide variety of people in different countries. And our album “The Missing Part” suddenly became a kind of liberation from everything – for the first time we began to make a disc in English, not trying to be like anyone, but not denying the influence of the music we listen to.

The story about Asya, my friend who unexpectedly left for Kyrgyzstan, became a part of this process for me – thinking about borders, about us, about freedom.

Asya Hashem

movie heroine

Me it seems that it turned out to be a beautiful movie about our reality. For six months in Kyrgyzstan, I told the story of our acquaintance a thousand times – and no one was surprised at her, was not shocked. In Moscow, our story evoked just such emotions. I really want people to be people everywhere and always, regardless of nationality, status and education.

Kyrgyzstan is an amazing and very beautiful country. Come visit to see and feel everything! “The Missing Part”.

We’re not giving up Because you are with us

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