A young British man suffering from a rare disease began to turn into musculoskeletal bones


29 year old man suffering from a very rare disease slowly Slowly the muscles began to turn into bones, the video shook the heart.

According to foreign media reports, the 29-year-old from the UK suffers from a rare disease that affects only 700 people worldwide.

is the name of a 29-year-old man’s disease called Stoneman’s Syndrome or Fibrodiplasia Ossification Progressivia (F.).

The report states that due to the disease, 95% of Jossovich’s mobility has stopped and he is unable to carry out his daily activities. Others are also needed to perform because their muscles freeze in one place as if they have turned into bones.

Diagnosis is first made at the age of three But at that time the situation was not so dangerous because there was only a slight swelling in the body of this Jossovich, but after a while his shoulder froze and he was unable to raise his hand.

Josovich says that my left hand is constantly frozen like a broken hand while only my right hand is shaking a little.

British youth suffering from a rare disease, only 12 people in the world Suffering from this disease

Interestingly, despite his disability, Josovich did not give up and started spreading awareness about his life on the YouTube channel in order to inform people about this rare disease and the problems they face on a daily basis. have to do it.


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