Address of healthy food: BESAŞ

Giriş Tarihi: 24.1.2022 09:58

Keles Dairy Products Facility, which realized exemplary investments in Turkey in Bursa with the aim of ensuring rural development and put into service in 2013 Metropolitan Municipality, which is the lifeblood of the farmers in the region, continues to bring together the people of Bursa with healthy food while evaluating the farmer’s product on the one hand.

Orhaneli, which received more than 4 million 500 thousand liters of milk from the farmers through the development cooperatives and unions in Keles, Büyükorhan and Harmancık districts throughout 2021, BESAŞ paid close to 15 million TL in return. Milk taken from the farmers of the mountain region took its place on Bursa tables as quality and healthy pasteurized daily milk, classic feta cheese, gourmet cheddar, toasted cheese, string cheese, yoghurt, ayran, curd and cream ‘in the facility developed with new technologies, under completely hygienic conditions’.


In addition, within the scope of the rural development project, einkorn wheat seeds, which have survived to the present day without any genetic change and are considered the ancestor of today’s wheat, were distributed to the farmers by the Metropolitan Municipality Rural Development Department. Nearly 20 tons of einkorn wheat, which was cultivated in 5 neighborhoods in Keles and Büyükorhan districts, was purchased by BESAŞ. Payments were made to the farmers in return for the einkorn wheat, a kilogram costing 3.75 TL. BESAŞ introduced nearly 240 thousand einkorn breads made from wheat flour produced in 2021 to consumers.



Established in Bursa in 1979 and put into operation in 1982, Turkey’s third and Bursa’s largest bread factory BESAŞ, which has the distinction of being the first, did not slow down in the production of bakery products. BESAŞ, which produces 3 shifts 24 hours a day in 5 fully automatic tunnel-type facilities in the Organized Industrial Zone, on an area of ​​13 thousand 500 square meters, of which 6 thousand 250 square meters is closed, brought together more than 70 million pieces of bread to the people of Bursa in 2021. While the most produced bread was ‘bakeries’ with nearly 52 million pieces, more than 12 million roll breads and over 5 million whole wheat breads were sold.


BESAŞ; By renewing 10 of 30 trucks with a special fiber box truck in 2021, it brings the hygienic and quality production approach to Bursa’s tables with fast transportation. BESAŞ has invested more than 5 million 500 thousand TL in machinery and facilities in 2021.


BESAŞ, in 2021 ‘especially ISO 9001, ISO 22000 and occupational health and safety’ Provided 166 hours of training to all its personnel on 30 different subjects. In addition to the occupational health and safety issues, in addition to the basic training on ISO 9001 Quality Management System and ISO 22000 Food Safety Management system ‘in order to increase the quality of food products’, internal audit and documentation trainings were also given. The training given per staff was 3761 hours. With the trainings, it is aimed to prevent work accidents, to protect and improve the existing corporate identity, and to increase the importance given to quality-hygiene in production.


Metropolitan Mayor Alinur Aktaş, since the day BESAŞ was founded, ‘Our only profit is your health. Reminding that it continues production with the slogan ‘, he reminded that no concessions were made on quality, economy and hygiene. Stating that the legislation is fully complied with in both dairy products and bakery products, President Aktaş said, “Since November 2017, when we took office, we have purchased more than 18 million liters of milk from our farmers and paid over 40 million TL during this period. BESAŞ was a company that only produced bread at the time it was founded. Today, BESAŞ has become an institution that sells nearly 150 types of basic consumption and foodstuffs, as well as products produced at more than 500 sales points ‘in line with the increasing needs’. With the change of the old kiosks, it has turned into a public market where our citizens can meet all their food needs.When our citizens go to the dealers, they safely buy the products whose quality control is carried out by BESAŞ. In 2022, BESAŞ’s own product range will be increased in line with the R&D studies. We aim for the month. We continue to expand our range by increasing the number of products in line with the demands of our citizens day by day. We continue our investments in order to increase the service quality at BESAŞ.”

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