Amazon’s new Judge Judy show gets its first official trailer

The long-running daytime court show Judge Judy ended earlier this year after a very long run on CBS, but Judge Judy Sheindlin plans to return to television in a slightly different format. The judge’s next show will be called Judy Justice, and it’ll be available to stream on Amazon’s free streaming service IMDb TV.

Judge Judy — the reality show, not the person — ran for 25 seasons on CBS with more than 6,000 episodes, each featuring Judge Judy Sheindlin and bailiff Petri Hawkins-Byrd. Though the daytime show is over, Judge Judy is returning in a streaming reality series on IMDb TV, the free streaming service from Amazon.

We last heard about the upcoming reality streaming series earlier this month, including that it will be available starting in November. Judge Judy revealed at the time that Judy Justice will look very similar in format to her popular, retired reality show, which has been confirmed in our first official look at the series.

The trailer reveals Judge Judy with her brand’s biting attitude, as well as the new cast joining her for the series. Judge Sheindlin appears very excited about the new show in the trailer, which provides some behind-the-scenes look at the project, as well as clips from that can be safely assumed as the first season of episodes.

If you’re hoping for the chance to binge-watch the new series when it arrives, there’s some bad news. Amazon’s IMDb TV will release new episodes on a weekly basis similar to a traditional television format, the same sort of release schedule we see for some broadcast shows that then arrive on streaming platforms the next day.

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