Android 12L Beta 2 now available: all the news of the new version and compatible phones

While all eyes and leaks are already on Android 13 we must not forget that the next version after Android 12 is Android 12L, and Google reminds us today launching its second beta.

As Google had promised in its update schedule, Android 12L Beta 2 arrives in the first fortnight of January to advance us more improvements and news that will come to this version of Android 12 improved and adapted to large screen devices , such as tablets, folding or Chromebooks.


What’s new in Android 12L Beta 2

With this version, Google informs that the final behaviors of the system and the development tools are already offered. With the final API (API level 32) of Android 12L, developers can now begin final testing to ensure that their applications are fully compatible with Android 12L.

Android 12L Beta 2, in addition to correcting some errors detected in the first beta, such as icons that were displayed very small on large screens, recent view applications appeared in black, errors in the representation of the widgets, or that the lock screen sometimes was not discarded when unlocking, also they have added some new features , most being interface improvements.

Probamos One UI 4 con Android 12: éstos son los cambios más importantes con respecto a One UI 3

  • Android 12L Beta 2 adds rounded buttons in the pop-up window that invites the user to unlock access to the camera or microphone when we have temporarily disabled them for privacy.
  • The rounded corners arrive on the split screen. With Android 12L Beta 2 it wants all the corners of an application to be rounded and not to have a straight cut when using two applications at the same time.

Android 12L

  • The setting to enable or disable the gesture ‘Long press the power button ‘ receives an animated image to visually explain what the gesture consists of.

Android 12L

  • The ‘Airplane mode’ quick setting gets a new shortcut to disable the ‘Airplane mode’.

Android 12L

  • Android 12L Beta 2 correctly positions the post of the lock screen clock, which was misplaced in the previous beta. In Beta 2 they add a switch to “Dual line clock” in ‘Settings> Display> Lock screen’, which is the option that users have to activate. users who do not want to see the time in large when there are no notifications.

Android 12L

Compatible devices: how to update

Android 12L Beta 2 is now available for download in Google Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a 5G, Pixel 5, Pixel 5a, Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro. To update to Android 12L Beta 2 you have to be registered in the Android Beta Program. If you are already registered, all you have to do is go to Settings> System> System update.

For Tablet Lenovo Tab P12 Pro The manufacturer is expected to release the update in the next few hours or days through its developer website.

Next version beta

Following the development calendar of Android 12L, the next and supposed last beta would reach the Google Pixel next February. After the launch of Android 12L Beta 3, the final version is expected to arrive in March. In May, within the framework of Google I/O 2022, the first public beta of Android 13 would arrive.

Via | 9to5Google

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