Andy Rivera talked about his love life and confessed if he is dating someone

Since his relationship with actress Lina Tejeiro ended, Andy Rivera has not been seen with any another woman and on different occasions has stated that she has not been able to find that person who really steals her heart.

During this Wednesday, just before the launch of “Monument ”, His collaboration with Ñejo, the singer decided to open a space on his social networks to interact with his fans and there he was again questioned about his love life.

See also: La Liendra compares himself with J Balvin: “that happens with me”

“At this moment do you like someone?” They asked Rivera and he replied that “Definitely not”, because he is very focused on his artistic career and right now there is no one who really catches his attention.

Through his stories on Instagram , e The Pereiran artist resolved the question of his follower and added that meeting anyone and feeling attraction takes time.

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