Argentina against the IMF adjustment program (+ Video)

The President of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, denounced the intentions of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to impose an economic adjustment program in the negotiation of the foreign debt.

The Telesur chain cited an interview offered to the local radio station AM 750, where the president commented that his Government continues in the search for a suitable agreement with the IMF and clarified that, for now, it rules out that the country is going to fall into a default in the payment of the debt.

In his words he denounced that the international financial organization tries to impose a program with more adjustments, with which he does not agree, since the goal of his administration is to achieve economic growth.

«What the Monetary Fund is trying to do, once again, is to impose a program on us and we do not agree there», because according to him, that The credit institution has a share of responsibility for what happened.

The IMF made a loan of 57,000,000,000 dollars to the Government of Mauricio Macri (2015-2019), the highest delivered to the South American nation and the largest in the entire history of the entity, and the current president warned that it is impossible to pay that figure that his interests add more than 19 billion dollars .

«In 2018, Argentina did not owe a penny to the Monetary Fund. No matter how badly it is, these were the decisions that they (the current opposition) made, which will cost Argentina the effort of generations, the best thing is to work together to find a solution for Argentina, “said Alberto Fernández.

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