Arsenal’s Mikel Arteta named Premier League manager of the month

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Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta has been named Premier League manager of the month for September.

Gunners suffered a defeat on the opening day of the season at Brentford, followed by a loss to Chelsea at home and a 5-0 thrashing at Manchester City.

However, Arteta’s men turned around their fortunes with a at Norwich with captain Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang finding back of the net to give the home side a 1-0 win.

Against Burnley, Arteta’s signing from Martin Odegaard got on score sheet from a neatly taken free-kick to give The Gunners another 1-0 win.

Spaniard’s surprise came in north derby against Tottenham, which Arsenal won by three goals to one.

Commenting on the award, Arteta told Arsenal Media that it is a representation of the team’s unity despite challenges.

He said, “This award represents the way everyone has been together, has been working and has been positive in difficult moments.”

Despite starting the season at the bottom of the table, Arsenal are now on a steady climb on the Premier League log.


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