Axie Infinity: First NFT Collection to Involve Over $ 2 Billion

The online video game based on NFT Axie Infinity set a historical record by surpassing US $ 2.18 billion according to the decentralized application search engine DappRadar.

It is the first collection of NFTs that achieve these values, surpassing the second, CryptoPunks by almost US $ 1 billion.

The most famous video game of the play to earn , in which money is earned by playing, it also leads the collections of non-fungible tokens in merchants with around 640 thousand traders. It surpasses the 590 thousand of the Alien Worlds collection and the 440 thousand of NBA Top Shot.

That’s right, Axie Infinity registered a figure of more than one million active users during the past month.

The NBA Top Shot NFT collection is the leader considering total sales, with almost 9 million. According to the DappRadar search engine, the second collection on the list is Axie Infinity, with 5.5 million.

Although this video game is the collection of non-fungible tokens that moved the most money to date, it It is true that it does not lead the market.

The decentralized application where you can create and sell NFT collections, OpenSea, is the first in the market of sites that trade this type of NFTs, registering a a figure higher than the US $ 6 billion generated so far.

The video game based on the Ethereum blockchain, Axie Infinity differs from the OpenSea platform as it has a single type of tokens, which are a kind of creatures used in the video game.

The “boom” of games to make easy money

Until a while ago, it was impossible to think about making money with non-fungible token games. However, the growing popularity of the Axie Infinity video game made it possible, allowing many people to earn income through this system. And, in addition, unleashing another trend in the congested crypto market.

After this video game became a new way to generate jobs, many other online games appeared that seek to achieve the same, such as for example the multiplayer Plant vs Undead.

Despite its great popularity, this type of video game is generating several controversies due to the large amount of high risk investments in numerous projects that were not yet ready to go to the market.

Axie Infinity: 1 million active users

Axie Infinity, which is based, as we said, on NFT, accumulates around a million active players per day , as reported by the owners of the game.

This number was announced at the beginning of August through the official social networks of the video game. There it is explained that most of the users use the version of the game for Android, and the second most used is the version for Windows.

The Vietnamese study developer of the video game communicated days before that there were more of 910 thousand active players per day, and that there are around 835 thousand owners of Axie Infinity NFTs.

In the statement made on social networks, they affirmed that not all players have any token not yet. fungible.

The video game, in addition to breaking records for the volume of players, also does so with respect to the amount of sales of NFTs, in the same game store and on external platforms such as OpenSea and Rarible.

The decentralized application search engine DappRadar reported that in early August NFTs of the video game were sold for a total of US $ 45.7 million.

Although this number has been declining, it is still a high figure. In the last few days, more than 25,000 traders have exchanged NFTs from the collection worth $ 28.5 million. As reported by DappRadar, these are data from the developers of the video game.

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