Barry Bennell: Men lose case against Manchester City over abuse

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The men claimed Barry Bennell was a scout for Manchester City when he abused them

Eight men who sued Manchester City after saying they were abused by paedophile Barry Bennell more than 30 years ago have lost a High Court fight.

The men said he abused them when they played for teams he coached in north-west England between 1979 and 1985.

Mr Justice Johnson ruled that it had not been shown that City was “legally responsible for Bennell’s acts of abuse”.

The lawyer who represented the men said they were “shocked and dismayed”.

The men, now in their 40s and 50s, claimed Bennell was a scout for City when they were abused and argued the relationship between the paedophile and the club was “one of employment or one akin to employment”.

City told the court Bennell, 68, was a local scout in the mid-1970s but not when the men were abused.

Bennell, who is in prison after being convicted of numerous sexual offences against children in recent years, denied being linked to City during the 1980s when he gave evidence during the High Court trial.

Mr Justice Johnson said: “The connection between the abuse and Bennell’s relationship with MCFC is insufficient to give rise to vicarious liability.

“The relationship gave Bennell the opportunity to commit the abuse, but MCFC had not entrusted the welfare of the claimants to Bennell.

“It follows that it has not been shown that MCFC is legally responsible for Bennell’s acts of abuse.”

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