Bizarre gas cloud is one of the largest structures in the Milky Way

© ESA/Gaia/DPAC, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO&T.Müller/J. Syed/MPIA)


Both their size as their atomic composition is also very unusual.

new study confirms , this unusual cloud of hydrogen (the red-bordered area in the image) is more than 3,900 light-years long and about 150 light-years wide. The research team named the elongated cloud “Maggie”, an abbreviation for the Magdalena River – the longest river in Colombia.

consisting only of single unbonded hydrogen atoms. Maggie passed 92 percent from atomic hydrogen, which makes them even more unusual.

The false color image shows the distribution of atomic hydrogen measured at a wavelength of 21 centimeters.

© J. Syed/MPIA

is made up of molecular hydrogen and appears to be concentrated at certain points in the cloud, it is conjectured that it is in the process of such a transformation. The team hopes additional data from future studies will reveal more about what is happening.

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