BSI examines Xiaomi cell phones for built-in censorship

The Lithuanian government warns against Xioami cell phones. The BSI is now active and examines the devices.

The Ministry of Defense of Lithuania recommends that consumers purchase Chinese cell phones to avoid. As the state cybersecurity agency of the country announced, according to a government report built-in censorship functions were found in the smartphones.

The cell phones sold in Europe by the Chinese smartphone giant Xiaomi would recognize and censor terms such as “Free Tibet”, “Long live Taiwan independence” or “Democracy movement”, according to the authority. A security hole has also been found in certain phones made by the Chinese manufacturer Huawei .

According to reports about this The German Federal Office for Information Security ( BSI ) active. “The BSI is currently carrying out a technical examination of a Xiaomi mobile device,” a spokesman for the Ministry of the Interior told Reuters on Wednesday.

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