Canadiens goaltender Carey Price seeks help through NHL/NHLPA assistance program

Montreal Canadiens goaltender Carey Price has spent his entire 14-year NHL career playing for Montreal.

Graham Hughes/The Canadian Press

Carey Price, the goaltender who recently carried the Montreal Canadiens to the Stanley Cup final, voluntarily stepped away from the team on Thursday to seek help through the NHL’s player-assistance program.

No other details were provided in a news release filed jointly by the NHL and the NHL Players’ Association. The program helps players and their families with mental-health issues, substance abuse and other matters.

Marc Bergevin, the Canadiens’ general manager, said it is anticipated that Price will be in treatment for at least 30 days. He underwent knee surgery this summer and was also said to be suffering from an undisclosed illness.

In a message shared on Instagram, Price’s wife, Angela, said he made the decision for himself and his family. The couple have three children.

“Part of the privilege of being in the position our family is in, is that we also get a public platform to show how there is and can be a path for anyone who is struggling,” she wrote. “No matter what is on the line, we hope we can communicate the importance of putting your mental health first not just by saying it, but by showing up and doing the work to get better.

“it’s incredibly important to show our kids that asking for help and letting yourself be supported by others is not just OK, but encouraged – any time, and under any circumstance.”

Price, 34, has spent his entire 14-year NHL career playing for Montreal. He earns US$13-million a season and will be an almost certain first-ballot Hall of Famer when he retires. He has won the Vézina, Jennings, Ted Lindsay and Hart Memorial trophies, as well as Olympic gold with Canada. In annual surveys distributed among fellow players, he has been chosen the league’s best goalie multiple times.

The news was met with surprise around the league and prompted an outpouring of encouragement.

Winnipeg Jets head coach Paul Maurice, whose team was swept out of the second round of the playoffs largely because of Price’s gutty performance, offered his support.

“Our responsibility now is that Carey Price is looked at as a courageous leader,” Maurice said. “He’s got a challenge that he is dealing with, and because of what he does for a living, it’s public. The kid with the Carey Price jersey, we still want him wearing it the next day. That’s the goal. It’s not bad, it’s not a stigma and I’m happy he’s getting help.”

Maple Leafs captain John Tavares said the team wished him “nothing but the best.

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