Cops recover iron rods, ropes used in Renukaswamy murder case

The Karnataka Police recovered several pieces of evidence in connection with the murder of Renukaswamy, a 33-year-old man who allegedly made derogatory comments against Kannada film actor Darshan Thoogudeepa and his wife Pavithra Gowda, sources said.

Darshan Thoogudeepa and his wife, Pavithra Gowda, were arrested for their alleged role in the murder of Renukaswamy in Bengaluru.

List of evidence police have recovered in probe

  • Wooden clubs and iron rods that were used to assault Renukaswamy
  • CCTV footage of the accused taking Renukaswamy to the murder spot.
  • Rope used to tie up Renukaswamy.
  • Mobile location details of the accused from the spot at the time of the murder.
  • The car that was allegedly used to abduct Renukaswamy from Chitradurga to Bengaluru.
  • CCTV footage of the place where he was assaulted.
  • The car that was used was allegedly used to transport Renukaswamy’s body.
  • Statements of the accused arrested in the case.
  • Water and liquor bottles that were used by the accused.
  • Clothes worn by Renukaswamy have been sent to the forensic team for further investigation.
  • Call records of the accused.
  • WhatsApp chats and call details of Darshan and his associates.
  • Call details of the accused calling the sub-inspector.
  • CCTV footage of the car after disposing of Renukaswamy’s body.
  • Details of Rs 30 lakh that were allegedly given by Darshan to the accused.

According to sources, the Karnataka Police are likely to receive the post-mortem report of Renukaswamy on Friday. It will provide the exact reason behind his death, sources said.

The post-mortem report will also give details on whether the accused forced Renukaswamy to consume alcohol before assaulting him, sources added.


Renukaswamy was murdered on June 8 and his body was dumped in a stormwater drain in Bengaluru’s Kamakshipalya area. Police got to know about the murder when a food delivery boy alerted them about dogs nibbling on the body of a man.

Further investigation led to the arrest of 12 suspects, police sources said, adding, based on their statement, Darshan and Pavithra were taken into custody.

Renukaswamy’s parents were inconsolable after learning about the murder.

“He was my only son. Last year he got married. I spoke to him on Saturday only. I want justice,” his father Srinivasaiah told reporters at Kamakshipalya police station.

Published By:

Sudeep Lavania

Published On:

Jun 14, 2024

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