Crazy: Lena Meyer Landrut freaks out because of the election result!

Someone is probably not satisfied with the current election result. In contrast to many others who are rather low-key about their political opinions, Lena Meyer-Landrut has to announce a clear statement, which she publicly announces on Instagram.

On Sunday, September 26th, Germany had to vote again! Of course, that didn’t pass the singer by either, so she posted a picture of Angela Merkel over the years. It seems that the Chancellor has a stone in the board with the 30-year-old, because that was the text under the picture: “Well, saying goodbye is really very difficult for me. Especially with the results. ”

Someone doesn’t seem to be particularly enthusiastic about the election result, but whether they are want or not, the era is coming to an end.

But not only Germany will break new ground, Lena has also changed.
Lena seems to have arrived, maybe last but not least because she was recently became a mother for the first time. She also shares her new starting point with her fans: “I no longer have to jump around on every red carpet, nor go to every event, nor do I post a post every day”.

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