Detecting rare sequelae causing paralysis in Covid-19 patients

In a recent study, Dutch scientists identified a new sequelae of Covid-19 – that can make people paralyzed. However, this sequelae is very rare, usually appearing in people over 50 years old.

Covid-19 may be the causative agent of the syndrome Guillain-Barré (GBS). This is a disease that causes

neurological disorders affecting the peripheral nervous system, according to

Daily Mail.

Phát hiện di chứng hiếm gặp gây tê liệt ở bệnh nhân Covid-19 - ảnh 1Phát hiện di chứng hiếm gặp gây tê liệt ở bệnh nhân Covid-19 - ảnh 1

Paralyzed yes could be a sequel of Covid-19


People with Guillain-Barré syndrome may experience symptoms such as numbness in the hands and feet and gradual paralysis. The condition then begins to spread to many areas of the body. Patients can also have sensory disturbances, appear pain, in severe cases may have respiratory failure and death.

Guillain-Barré syndrome may also appear. after getting flu . At that time, the immune system will be stimulated and active to the point of attacking nerve cells. Therefore, Guillain-Barré syndrome is considered an autoimmune disease.

Phát hiện di chứng hiếm gặp gây tê liệt ở bệnh nhân Covid-19 - ảnh 1

Previously, research on many patients in China, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and the UK show a correlation between Covid-19 and Guillain-Barré syndrome. However, many health authorities, including the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), do not consider Guillain-Barré syndrome to be related to Covid-19.


Recent research by scientists at the University of Rotterdam (Netherlands) has confirmed that some people are infected with Covid- 19 may present with Guillain-Barré syndrome. The team said this is a rare condition in Covid-19 patients but did not disclose how common it is.

In the study, scientists analyzed the medical records of 49 patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome. They had onset of the disease from January to May 2020 and were all over 50 years old. The results showed that 11 of these people had previously been infected with Covid-19.

Analysis shows that people with Guillain-Barré syndrome have previously had Covid-19. The cause-and-effect link between the two diseases needs to be acknowledged, says neurologist Dr. Bart Jacobs, who led the study.

Most people have the syndrome. Guillain-Barré both made a full recovery. Only about 20% of these have long-term health problems, such as such as difficulty walking. The disease rarely leads to death, according to Daily Mail.

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