Duchess Meghan: bitter defeat! As compensation, she only receives £ 1 | BUNTE.de

Duchess Meghan (40) should, according to a media report, as a result of her won legal battle against the “Mail on Sunday” only receive the symbolic amount of one pound (1.20 euros) in compensation for the inadmissible invasion of their privacy. The “Guardian” reported on Wednesday, citing court documents.

The wife of Prince Harry (40) had against the publisher of Tabloid sued because she had partially published a personal letter to her father, and got it right.

Prince Harry & Duchess Meghan: You could become their neighbors – for a proud 26 million euros!

Usually much higher compensation

“Normally one would expect 75,000 to 125,000 pounds (just under 90,000 to 150,000 euros) for such an invasion of privacy,” said media lawyer Mark Stephens of the newspaper.

On the other hand, the defeat in the case of Meghan’s copyright infringement through the publication of the letter is likely to be more expensive for the publisher. In addition, according to the report, the newspaper has to bear part of Meghan’s court costs, which could amount to more than a million pounds.

Duchess Meghan had previously stated that she was doing in the legal battle not about money, but about principles. Any sums that Meghan would benefit from the proceedings should be donated, according to a spokesman.

On Boxing Day, the “Mail on Sunday” and the “MailOnline” acknowledged her loss to Meghan in an official statement. It was part of the requirements to publish such a declaration in the sheet and online.

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