Facebook and its sister platforms are working again

Just before midnight on Monday night, several of the IT giant’s services were about to come up again.

Users in Norway noticed the Facebook problems at 6 p.m. . It took almost six hours before the services were up again.

On the page Downdetector , which tracks problems for various websites, a big jump is reported in messages about operational issues for Facebook.

Apps like WhatsApp, Instagram, and Messenger, which are all owned by Facebook and share much of the same infrastructure, have also had issues.

According to Reuters, users around the world have been affected by the problems. The news agency reports that the error has led to one of the longest downturns in the company’s history.

The longest period Facebook has been down was in 2019. Then server problems led to the web platform being down for almost a day. At that time, Instagram was also affected, but not for as long, according to CNET .

– Due to errors in update

Earlier Monday, Facebook had to use the microblogging service Twitter to convey that it is working to find a solution.

– We are aware that some have difficulty accessing our apps and products. We are working to get things back to normal as soon as possible, and we apologize for the inconvenience this causes, the statement said.

Reuters writes that the website is unavailable on due to Domain Name System (DNS) issues, which route users to the right site. According to the news agency, Facebook itself controls these settings.

According to Fredrik Blix, PhD in cybersecurity at Stockholm University, an update error is the cause of the problems.

– In short, this is due to an update being made to a configuration file on the network. This is one that affects how traffic is managed on Facebook’s network. This update meant that all roads that go via a Border Gateway Protocol by mistake have been removed, says Blix to Swedish Radio .

Torgeir Waterhouse, IT expert and partner in the consulting company Otte, says to VG that a DNS error could take several hours to correct, depending on what the error actually is.

  • Also read: Alerts appear: Does Facebook mean «tears our societies to pieces»
  • Facebook stock falls sharply

    The mistake happens the day after Frances Haugen emerged as the source of a number of leaked documents . Based on the documents, the newspaper The Wall Street Journal has recently put the spotlight on hitherto unknown pages of the company’s operations.

    The Facebook share fell sharply on the New York Stock Exchange on Monday, something analysts see in connection with the warning . At most, the share was down 6 percent, which would be the worst trading day for the share in almost a year. Just before the closing time, the stock recovered a bit, and ended down 4.9 percent.

    Instagram also confirms on Twitter that more users have problems with their services.

    – Instagram and friends are having a hard time right now, and you may be having trouble using them. Carry on with us, we are on the case !, the company says in a message.

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