Far Cry 7 Devs Are ‘Exploring a More Online-Oriented Approach’

Far Cry 7 Will Be More “Online-Oriented”

Far Cry 7 might take on a new approach that is more online-oriented than its predecessors. With that said, it has become apparent to the franchise’s fans that Ubisoft has plans to reinvent the entire series.

An insider has recently revealed that, although Far Cry 6 is expected to perform well in the gaming world, Ubisoft is well aware that “a shake-up is needed.” “The company was exploring a more online-oriented approach for a sequel,” revealed the source.

far cry 7 online-oriented approach

Just earlier this year, it was also reported that the team behind Far Cry 7 intends to take the series to a whole new place “From what I have heard, if I remember correctly, they are aiming to go in a radically different direction for Far Cry after Far Cry 6,” claimed another source.

Although both sources did not provide any further information about precisely what this new direction is going to be, it has become clear to the Far Cry community that Ubisoft does, indeed, have plans to reinvent the entire Far Cry franchise. After all, there has been no significant change since 2012’s Far Cry 3—despite the launch of themed spin-offs such as Blood Dragon and Primal.

It is worth noting that, in the recent months, Ubisoft has had a massive overhaul in leadership. This suggests that there could be major changes to one—or more—of the studio’s older titles. Developer Igor Manceau was promoted as the new Chief Creative Director just last month, following the announced departure of Serge Hascoet and a number of other Ubisoft execs amidst reports of workplace abuse.

Considering that Far Cry 6 has just been launched to the gaming public, fans will most likely have to wait a little bit further to see how everything looks once the dust settles before hearing a confirmation from Ubisoft regarding any series-changing decisions.


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