Floods in Alabama took four lives! That's not the end, STORM IS EXPECTED! / PHOTO /

Dozens of people were rescued in central Alabama, where the National Meteorological Service announced that as much as 33 cm of rain fell, the AP agency reported

Four-year-old girl and 18-year-old girl were killed when floods took away vehicles in northeastern Alabama.

AP / Tanjug

Two more bodies were found in a car that took away a swollen stream in the suburbs of Birmingham, the bodies of a 23-year-old boy and a girl.

Near the coast, heavy rains caused sewage to drain from underground pipes.

AP / Tanjug

The Birmingham Metro is still under water, and meteorologists have forecast another wet day for most of Alabama and parts of Florida, Georgia and Tennessee.

AP / Tanjug

Roads were blocked late last night, and a large number of rescuers went to the scene after a flood warning was issued in several districts.

AP / Tanjug

The U.S. National Weather Service (NWS) said many people were rescued from vehicles stuck in the water and that homes and roads were flooded and that the rains moved to areas already facing significant

NWS yesterday issued an emergency flood warning for Shelby and Jefferson counties in Alabama.

In the city of Pelham, 82 people were rescued from their homes and more than 15 people were rescued from flooded vehicles.

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