Flordelis has appeal denied by Justice and goes to popular jury

The former federal deputy Flordelis, accused of being the mastermind of the murder of Pastor Anderson do Carmo, her ex-husband, had all the appeals presented by its defense denied by the judge Marcus Basílio, second vice president of the Court of Justice of Rio (TJ-RJ). With the decision, the former parliamentarian must even go to the popular jury. There is still no date set for the trial.

In addition to Flordelis, their appeals were also denied Marzy Teixeira da Silva and Rayane dos Santos Oliveira — affective daughter and biological granddaughter of Flordelis, respectively.

In a decision published on January 15, the judge states that, in order to accept the appeal, the court would have to make a new analysis of the evidence , which is not accepted in higher courts.

“It would be necessary to re-examine the facts and evidence produced in the process, which is not allowed to higher instances, which act only considering issues of infraconstitutional and/or constitutional law”, he wrote.

In November of last year, Two Flordelis children were convicted for participating in the crime. Anderson was shot dead in June 2019.

Flávio dos Santos Rodrigues, Flordelis’ biological son, was sentenced to 33 years, two months and 20 days in prison, initially in a closed regime. The crimes mentioned were triple homicide, illegal possession of a firearm, use of false documents and criminal association.

Lucas Cézar dos Santos Souza, the couple’s adopted son and accused of having purchased the murder weapon, he was sentenced to seven and a half years for triply murder. As he collaborated with the investigations, he had his sentence reduced.

The former deputy appealed to Superior Court of Justice (STJ) against the charges. Flordelis had his mandate revoked by the Chamber in August.

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