Freedom of speech for victims of harassment or discrimination in California, new law applies

a Google employee Said that NDA is a common weapon in the industry. (symbolic)

California :

A new law has become effective in California. The law allows victims of workplace harassment or discrimination to speak freely instead of being surrounded by privacy conditions. Experts believe that many tech companies have their headquarters in the state. In such a situation, the “Silence No More” Act can have a cascading effect. At the same time, he says that when companies have to face harassing behavior of their employees, then non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is very easily resorted to.

NDAs are usually issued by companies as part of a financial agreement with an employee. is added. “The NDA can be used to silence someone,” said Lauren Topelsohn, a lawyer with knowledge of employment law. “It buys silence and silence allows a criminal to act again,” he said.

Governor Gavin Newsom on Thursday. The law is signed. It also bans any NDA, which prohibits employees from speaking about illegal acts committed in the workplace.
Primarily it refers to complaints in which, among other protected norms Discrimination or harassment because of color, religion, disability, sex, gender identity, age or sexual orientation.

The people who have taken this law forward, in the eyes of the big tech companies are the headquarters located in California. He says that companies like Google and Apple resort to NDA to hide inconvenient truths and avoid paying money to the complainants. A Google employee told AFP that NDA is a common weapon in the industry.

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