From shopping to free time, Italians are increasingly accustomed to digital devices

From entertainment to payments to health: everything is increasingly moving from an electronic device and with the pandemic the trend has strengthened further, making habits and lifestyles evolve.

Deloitte presented the results of the Digital Consumer Trends Survey 2021, a survey based on over 2,000 interviews with people aged between 18 and 75, carried out to better understand a phenomenon driven above all by the Gen-Z.

“The digital devices are increasingly part of the daily life of Italians . Their importance has grown with the pandemic and is set to become even more important in the future in areas such as health, leisure and shopping. At the same time, digital consumers are more attentive to the use of their data and have a more critical attitude than the past towards social media, which absorb a very relevant slice of their digital life. From whatever angle you look at it, the digital scenario is constantly evolving and will continue to surprise us with novelties and changes destined to transform the lives of all of us “- he explains Francesca Tagliapietra , Partner and TMT Industry Leader of Deloitte.

Digital Payments

Over 4 out of 5 respondents say they use their smartphone to buy a product online, mostly at least once a month. Also in this case, it is the youngest who rely the most on this channel: 93% of respondents between 18 and 24 years of age declare that they shop online via smartphone, against 68% of those over 65.

Those who buy products or services with their own smartphone tends to use the marketplace apps : this is in fact the most cited channel by respondents (64%) for online purchases. On the contrary, between the website and the app of a retailer there is a tendency to prefer the website, even if only slightly (21% vs 20% of respondents). One out of 10 respondents, on the other hand, declare that they use the social media apps to make purchases, a sign of how the phenomenon of Social Shopping is beginning to spread in Italy too.

Regarding the payment methods used in Italy for online purchases via smartphone , almost 3 out of 5 respondents say they usually use credit or debit cards, while 2 out of 5 rely on providers for payment or transfer of money online. Less frequent is the use of the app of one’s own bank or of other contactless applications.
Smartphones and digital devices, however, are not only payment tools (online and offline), but are becoming more and more platforms for the management of their accounts and savings and to transfer money.

Digital Health

The spread of wearable devices in Italy is growing : if in 2017 only 10% of respondents in our country owned a smartwatch, in 2021 this percentage rose to 25%. Thus, in 2021 in Italy 1 out of 4 respondents owns a smartwatch, while 1 out of 5 has a fitness bracelet. And the main user is Gen-Z.

What are these digital devices used for? 64% of those who own a mobile device say they monitor the number of steps taken, their sleep pattern or the heartbeat. This figure reaches 86% for Gen-Z, while only 1 in 2 among the over 65s carry out any monitoring of these aspects. In particular, the number of steps is the most monitored function (53%), while the monitoring of heart rate and sleep rhythm concerns 35% and 24% of respondents.

Although the new generations are also very attentive to mental health, only 3% of respondents say they pay for a mindfulness app and for mental well-being, compared to 4% willing to pay for applications and programs for fitness and training.

Digital Entertainment & Media

Constant increase in the use of streaming video content in recent years: if in 2018, in fact, “only” 40% of respondents in Italy declared that they were using Streaming Video On Demand (SVOD) content, the percentage rose to 63% in 2021. The results show, however, that the most significant increase occurred in the year of the beginning of the pandemic, where growth was + 13%, against an increase (in any case significant) of +5 % n el 2021.

In the last year, moreover, the penetration of VoD services among the over 65, at a higher rate than the total population: even the less young have been conquered by streaming.

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