Han Myeong-sook's husband decided to retrial after 52 years of 'Tonghyukdang case'

13 years in prison… Court “execution, restraint violation”
The husband of former Prime Minister Han Myeong-sook, who was sentenced to death for being implicated in the Unification Revolutionary Party (Revolution Party) incident during the Park Chung-hee regime, has been living for more than 50 years.
According to the legal community on the 29th, the 23rd Criminal Division of the Seoul Central District Court (Presiding Judge Yoo Young-geun) The day before, a decision was made to start the retrial requested by the former Prime Minister’s husband, Park Seong-jun (82, photo), a former Sungkonghoe University professor.
Former professor Park was indicted in May 1968 on charges of praising communism and forming a secret organization under the National Revolutionary Party by recruiting former Prime Minister Han and the late Park Kyung-ho, a student at Seoul National University, and sentenced to 15 years in prison the following year. . After serving 13 years in prison, he was released on a special pardon in 1981.

The Central Intelligence Agency (currently the National Intelligence Service) announced that “Kim Jong-tae and others formed the Revolutionary Party under North Korea’s orders, disguised themselves as political parties, and then engaged in anti-government and anti-state activities.” Park, who was sentenced to three years in prison and three years of suspension of qualifications at the time, was acquitted in July of this year after his wife requested a retrial in 2018.

The court decided to start the retrial, saying, “It is recognized that the accused was taken from the night of August 3, 1968 to the dawn of the next day, without a legal warrant, to the Central Intelligence Agency, and the arrest warrant was issued on August 6. ” he said. He added, “It is also clear that the statute of limitations for crimes committed by investigators belonging to the Central Intelligence Agency has expired, so there is a reason for reexamination as stipulated by the Criminal Procedure Act.”

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